Welcome to my blog!

Hi there!

This blog is related to my autobiography DMD Life art and me plus there will be non related posts. I have the disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and that has left me in a near paralyzed state, I wrote this book in 10 months using one finger clicking one mouse button on one on screen keyboard! Be a follower by clicking in the box on the right and you'll get every new post I make. Feel free to join in with your comments and enjoy!


Author and Digital Artist

Monday, 11 February 2013

You set the price! OFFER ENDED

Hi everyone, I have a promotion. You can buy my ebook (pictured above) for ANY price YOU choose on smashwords.com. Poetic Diversions was written last year and is my second ebook! Now you don't need to be a poetry aficionado to enjoy my ebook nor do you need a complex understanding of poetic concepts. All you need is an open mind and some quiet time to read. All you must do is sign up for a FREE smashwords account then buy this ebook for ANY price you choose. Either free, $2.99 or whatever you feel my work deserves absolutely no obligation to buy. Enjoy!



UPDATE - This offer has ended, in fact a few weeks ago but apologies for being tardy in correcting this. :)


1 comment:

  1. Desperate much? Ian, even if you aren't selling these books, you shouldn't beg for purchases (this is how it looks, unfortunately). Three bucks is already cheap enough.

    No one is telling you because they want to spare your feelings, but if you really want people to be interested, make an effort. I can't even begin to tell you how many mistakes you have, in this book and the previous, in spelling and grammar. Who in their right mind would want to read if you don't even care enough about the reader to correct yourself?

    Giving your work away is a slap of your own face. I personally don't like you very much, but at least I care enough to tell you the truth. Redo your books and proofread, edit, for your own dignity.
