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This blog is related to my autobiography DMD Life art and me plus there will be non related posts. I have the disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and that has left me in a near paralyzed state, I wrote this book in 10 months using one finger clicking one mouse button on one on screen keyboard! Be a follower by clicking in the box on the right and you'll get every new post I make. Feel free to join in with your comments and enjoy!


Author and Digital Artist

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Balancing the risks

FANTASTIC FREE EBOOK offer still on!!!! 11 days to go!!!!

By my third visit to ICU in 2001 I was thoroughly fed up of the seemingly endless procession of hospital visits I endured. I was offered the solution of a permanent mini tracheotomy which I accepted after some thought. I was concerned by the risks of further infection but the build up of secretions in my chest was a bigger problem. On balance it was the best option to take at the time.

..However he thought the benefits of clearing my airways certainly outweighed the risks posed by infection as long as we used the correct clean procedure..

It turned out really well for me! I've been to the hospital a lot less and it certainly gave me my life back. Before, the risk of a return trip to ICU weighed very heavily over my head. I'm very grateful to still be here!

Read through my tough year and look at the way everything turned out in my book DMD LIFE ART & ME!

Please visit here to buy my paperback version; http://duchennemen.net16.net/Buy-my-book-s/

Don't forget my FREE e-book offer!!!!! For one month only until the 26th of May my e-book version of DMD LIFE ART & ME is FREE, you can get your FREE version here; https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/69702

Only 11 days left!!!!!

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